Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Jul 17th, 2009

Thankyou for all the feedback

By 38 Degrees team

This week we reached 10,000 members, and this felt like a good time to start a discussion about what we’ve done so far. Many of you are still posting comments on the blog and on facebook, sharing what you would like to see happen next and why you joined 38 Degrees.

Reaching the 10,000 sign up mark is a massive achievement for all of us. We can see from the number of people who are offering their ideas that we’re becoming a real community, and it’s great to read so many insightful and inspirational ideas about what we could do next. Thankyou – here are some thoughts on what we’re hearing so far.

Currently nearly 200 of us have commented here on the blog and many more have commented on the facebook fanpage. We almost all seem to agree that we want the Government to be more accountable, more transparent and more answerable to us.

‘I am horrified at how unaccountable MPs are, and how easily they feel they can ignore public opinion between elections. My single vote seems to count for nothing. Therefore I hope an organisation such as 38 Degrees will provide united pressure on Government in general and give a wake-up call.’ Jennifer Stray

Ideas for what we would like 38 Degrees campaigning on have included electoral reform, decreasing the influence of Quango’s, a referendum on the Lisbon treaty, climate change, renewable energy, abolishing party whips, keeping up with recall, reform of the House of Lords and stopping the introduction of compulsory ID cards, to name but a few.

It is obvious from the comments that many of us have joined 38 degrees for a common reason. We want to see changes in UK politics and we feel we’ve found a way of working with likeminded people to make a difference and get our voices heard.

‘I joined 38degrees because I was frustrated with having no say in what our ruling elite do. Well done to you so far, giving a lead and opportunity for other likeminded people who want a government to know we will not be put off demanding change.’ Agnes

Events of the past year, such as the MP expenses and bankers bonuses scandal, have made many of us feel that it is time to do something . 38 Degrees has provided us with a way of coming together to increase our impact.

Please keep the comments coming, so we can develop 38 Degrees with your input and campaign on the issues you care about. If you’re on facebook or twitter please keep the discussions going on there as well. Your comments really do help shape what we do: for example we launched the campaign into tightening up the regulations on lobbyists as a direct result of our “political crisis” poll, where 98% of you said we should be campaigning on this issue.

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