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Dec 14th, 2009

Katy goes to Downing Street

By JohnnyChatterton

In the run-up to Copenhagen almost six thousand 38 Degrees members signed a petition to Gordon Brown. We told him to secure a binding agreement that ensures carbon cuts of 40% in wealthy nations by 2020 without offsetting.  We also asked him to protect the rights of the world’s poorest people by guaranteeing adequate funding to allow clean development and measures to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Today the Prime Minister is off to take part in the Copenhagen talks, so we decided yesterday that it was the perfect time to deliver our petition to Downing Street.  Last week we sent Climate Minister Ed Miliband off to the summit with our words ringing in his ears after his giant conference call with thousands of 38 Degrees members (listen to it here: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/live).  Today we wanted to give Gordon Brown the same message: that we want action.

Wrapped up against the winter weather, a delegation of 38 Degrees staff took our message right to Mr. Brown’s front door. 38 Degrees volunteer Katy presented the petition to a government representative under the stern eyes of the resident police officer.

Gordon Brown intends to be the first world leader to arrive in Copenhagen today.  Let’s hope that this is a sign of things to come.  In this crucial debate he must be the first to push for ambitious goals and first to commit his country to binding agreements.

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