Jul 26th, 2010
Your ideas for an eye-catching advert against Murdoch’s BSkyB takeover bid?
By 38 Degrees team
The “Murdoch Inquiry Now” petition is growing fast – already nearly 30,000 of us have signed. And we’ve just seen the strongest sign yet that we’re having an impact.

38 Degrees members paid for these adverts for our succesful campaign against BBC cuts. What eye-catching ad ideas do you have for our campaign against the BSkyB takeover?
A few weeks ago, Rupert Murdoch was going full steam ahead with his plan to take 100% control of BSkyB. He’d gone public with the plans and he had the backing of BSkyB top brass. But it’s just emerged that he’s delayed making the next step.
For the deal to go ahead he needs to submit his plans to the European Commission. Last week there were rumours that Murdoch hadn’t done this. We’ve just had that confirmed – Murdoch’s delayed submitting his takeover plans to Brussels.
There’s been no public explanation. Only Murdoch himself and a few senior executives at News Corp will know exactly what’s going on. But it seems likely that our pressure has had an effect – Rupert Murdoch has decided to bide his time and hope we’ll go away.
He may be taking his time, but Murdoch still wants to extend his control of the UK media and people power is still our best bet for stopping him. We need to seize the opportunity of extra time to get more people involved and hatch even better plans. That way when Murdoch does make his next move, we’ll be ready to move even faster than him.
Now we’ve got more time to deliver the campaign, we’ve got more time to come up with creative ways of getting Vince Cable’s attention. We can work together to come up with the most powerful message possible. Have you got an idea for a powerful advert? A draft design? Another way of getting the campaign message across? Please share your ideas for powerful adverts, and other creative tactics by uploading them as comments to this blog post.