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Aug 16th, 2010

Dominic Raab: Results & Next Steps

By JohnnyChatterton

Last week we launched a 38 Degrees poll in the constituency of Esher & Walton after the local MP, Dominic Raab, demanded we stop constituents contacting him via the 38 Degrees “find and contact your MP” tool.

Here are the results:
Should we stand up for your right to e-mail your MP?
YES – Stand Up To Raab – 99% (85 votes)
NO – Give in to Raab’s threats – 1% (1 vote)

Because local members voted that we should stand up to Raab, we will. We will stand up for the principle that constituents should be able to contact their MPs and keep Mr  Raab on our “find and e-mail your MP” tool.

Over the last week lots of 38 Degrees members have got in touch asking what more we can do.

One member got in touch suggesting that anyone who can goes to one of Mr Raab’s 6 “roadshow” meetings in Esher & Walton this summer and tell him why it’s so important you can contact him by e-mail. Here’s where the roadshows are being held:

  • Tuesday 17 August – Walton Day Centre, Manor Road, Walton, KT12 2P
  • Thursday 19 August – Cobham Village Hall, Lushington Drive, Cobham KT11 2LU.
  • Monday 23 August – Holy Trinity Church Hall, Church Road, Claygate KT10 0PJ.
  • Tuesday 24 August – Vera Fletcher Hall, 4 Ember Court Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0LQ.
  • Wednesday 25 August – King George’s Hall, High Street (nr Civic Center), Esher KT10 9RA.
  • Thursday 26 August – St Peters Church Hall, 518 Walton Road, West Molesey KT8 2QF.

If you are planning to go to one of the meetings please let everyone know in the comments below – so other 38 Degrees members can meet you there.

Another member suggested writing to the local papers and speaking up for your right to contact Mr Raab. The Surrey Herald wrote about Mr Raab’s actions. If  you’d like to send the Surrey Herald a “letter to the editor” you can e-mail them at: surreynewspapers@trinitysouth.co.uk

What do you think we should do now? Will you be able to go to one of Mr Raab’s roadshow meetings? Let us know in the comments below:

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