Oct 11th, 2010
We’ve delivered our message to Vince Cable
By Hannah Lownsbrough

Photograph by 38 Degrees
On Friday, 38 Degrees volunteers Eleanor, Sophie and Rob went to the Business, Innovation and Skills Department in central London and delivered our open letter to Vince Cable’s private secretary at the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills. Nearly 19,000 38 Degrees members had signed the letter, to send Vince the message that we’d be behind him if he decides to stop Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB power grab.
The Minister wasn’t around for a photo, but we’re hoping the civil servants put the the open letter on his desk ready and waiting to make sure he got our message.
There have been lots of reports that Murdoch is ready to put forward the takeover bid in Europe in the next month. The pressure is building for Vince to call the deal in for a proper review: as well as nearly 20,000 38 Degrees members, Mark Thompson (Director General of the BBC), Lord Putnam and the Financial Times have also come out with warnings of the dangers of the takeover bid.
So over the next few weeks keeping on the pressure is vital, letting the Vince know that we’re counting on him to make sure he makes the UK’s media freedom his top priority. We also need to make sure our petition to Vince keeps on growing, to make sure there are tens of thousands of backing our message ready to be delivered to Vince once Rupert Murdoch applies for permission to go ahead with the take – click here to sign: http://www.38degrees.org.uk/murdoch