Oct 13th, 2010
Who’s really behind the NHS whitepaper?
By 38 Degrees team

Health Minister Andrew Lansley: have private healthcare lobbyists been helping him write the NHS Whitepaper?
38 degrees teamed up with Spinwatch last year to demand tougher rules on lobbying – a hugely successful campaign which had a huge breakthrough back in May when government agreed to tougher rules to ban secret lobbying. They’re yet to implement these – it is likely we’ll need to put further pressure on next year.
Now Spinwatch have started looking into the links between the health minister, Andrew Lansley, and private health companies who would stand to gain from his proposals to change the NHS.
Maybe this research sheds a bit of light on where the government’s quite extreme new NHS plans have come from – plans which didn’t feature in anyone’s election manifesto.
38 Degrees members know a thing or two about challenging these kind of links between lobbying interests and government. With over 25,000 of us already involved in our campaign to protect the NHS we could play an important role in exposing any dodgy links between private health care lobbyists and the government’s NHS plans.