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Oct 26th, 2010

Our forests are not for sale!

By RamziS

Wildlife would be put at risk with these plans

Wildlife would be put at risk with these plans

When we heard about government plans to sell off national forests to private firms, 38 Degrees members felt strongly we should do something about it, and there was a lively discussion about how best to respond on our facebook page. The fear is that national treasures will be chopped down to make way for center parc style holiday resorts, golf courses and logging companies.

Thousands of 38 Degrees members have already signed a petition to show the government how strongly we feel about this issue. The government think that they can slip this decision through parliament. If thousands of us sign the petition we can force them to reconsider their plans.

These plans would cause irreversible damage to Britain’s woodlands. 38 Degrees members are already involved in campaigns to save the NHS and to protect green jobs, and we can show the government that their plans to sell off our forests will not go unnoticed.

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