Nov 18th, 2010
Breaking – Cow factory farm relaunched
By JohnnyChatterton

Photograph by Dirk-Jan Kraan (Flickr)
There’s just been a big development in our campaign to stop us-style cow factory farms. See the email below which has just gone out:
Breaking news! The companies behind the US-style cow factory farm have just relaunched their plans. Yesterday they came to London to hold a press conference and announced that they want to press ahead with the UK’s first mega-dairy.
We know that the firms behind this project find it hard to ignore public pressure. Earlier this year we forced them to abandon their original plan. Then we got one of the three companies involved to pull out. This week they announced that they will scale back the plans by 50% and offer the cows a small amount of outside space.
That’s progress, and it’s thanks to all of us. But they still want to build the biggest cow factory farm in the UK, with up to 4000 cows kept in grass-free conditions. Farms like this are going to be bad for climate change, bad for cows and bad for other farmers. [1]
If 20,000 of us managed to force the factory farm backers to change their plan, imagine what 50,000 of us could do! We could force the businesses to abandon the plans altogether, and make sure councils block mega-dairies like this from ever being built.
Please forward this e-mail to your friends now and ask them to add to the pressure by signing the petition: businesses pushing these factory farm plans hope they’ve got us off their back. They’ve scaled their plans back a bit, and they’ve hired in the spin doctors. Making our petition even bigger is our best response. If we get even more names on the petition, that will prove to the factory farmers, the media, and local councillors that we are not going away.
Together we’re proving that people power works. When we started, few people expected us to be able to stop the mega-dairy being built. But since then we’ve built a 20,000 strong petition, we’ve raised money for hard hitting ads in the local paper, we’ve got one of the businesses to drop out and the others to scale back their plans. Now let’s prove that we’re not going to stop until these plans are abandoned, by making our petition even bigger.
Please forward this email to your friends and ask them to help stop this US-style factory farm by signing the petition here: for being involved,
Hannah, David, Johnny and the 38 Degrees team
P.S. You can see how many people have already signed the petition, and add your own name if you haven’t already, by clicking here: