Dec 17th, 2010
St Andrews day survey results
By Eleanor Campion
On St Andrews day over 20,000 Scottish members received a survey asking how they thought 38 Degrees is doing.
It’s great to know so many think it’s doing really well. There was lots of support for the campaign to trip up Trump,

Question: Here are some of the campaigns 38 Degrees members have suggested. Which do you think are the most important campaigns for 38 Degrees?
“I’m glad you’ve been supporting tripping up trump
Thank heavens that someone is taking action on Dreadful Donald Trump.”
But many stressing there’s still lots more work to do!

Question: 38 Degrees is not connected to, and independent of, any political party. We're driven by issues and outcomes. How important is it to you that 38 Degrees hold politicians to account during the elections for the Scottish Parliament in May? For example, by putting pressure on them to make certain promises; or challenging them on issues we feel strongly about.
Other popular issues were to stop changes that force people into homelessness. Standing up for the NHS and the environment are also what many of us are concerned about in Scotland. The first round of NHS offline events took place in England last week, all 11 of hosted by 38 Degrees members. The New Year holds in store hopefully lots more of these events and it’s great to know lots of us are keen to get involved and host similar events in Scotland.
Holding Scottish Politicians to account in the May election was very important. Many felt these issues should be on the economy, tax dodgers, electoral reform and the environment. Lots suggested wanting to see their politicians take action on Scottish National Heritage “Scotland’s Natural Heritage – our landscapes in particular – these need safeguarding from inappropriate development.”
If you have any more campaign suggestions feel free to post them up on our user voice page. Other members can agree and support them by voting here: or if you have any feedback about the survey please let us know by commenting on the blog.