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Jan 13th, 2011

50,000 of us say no to Nocton mega-dairy

By Eleanor Campion

Nocton mega-dairy petition delivery

Photograph by 38 Degrees

Wow what a delivery! 38 Degrees’ petition to stop Nocton mega-dairy was today delivered to the local Council. The 53,223 member voices were causing quite a stir. Press were buzzing around outside the front of the Council building at 1:30pm. BBC Look North, Lincolnshire Echo and Lincs FM were all keen to get their own story of the delivery.

Nocton mega-dairy petition delivery

Photograph by 38 Degrees

Members and supporters of the mega-dairy petition turned out in force as well. Which was great! We all found ourselves being jostled around by various camera crews, photographers and radio stations.The hand over itself took place inside the Council building to members of the planning department.

Nocton mega-dairy petition delivery

Photograph by 38 Degrees

The size of the petition and the press interest today has really turned up the heat on the Council who must be really feeling the pressure. Not rejecting these cow factory farm plans against such strong opposition will be very hard. The petition has a massive number of signatures, but is this just the tip of the iceberg? How many more people heard about these plans via the radio on their way home from work or saw it on the News this afternoon whilst having lunch?

Have you heard any coverage on the new or radio today? It’d be great to hear your thoughts, you can easily leave comment below.

The rest of the pictures will be uploaded onto the 38 Degrees flickr page soon. Here is the press coverage:









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