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Jan 18th, 2011

Just launched: The Save the Lake District Forest group

By RamziS

Forest in the snow

38 Degrees’ campaign against the proposed sell off of English forests is getting bigger and stronger. Together we are building a huge petition and coming up with other ideas to stop this proposal becoming reality.

There are now local campaigns springing up all around the county like Hands Off Our Forest (HOOF – a campaign to keep the Forest of Dean in public ownership),  the Save the Sherwood Forest campaign and the Save Haldon Forest group. We’ve invited the newest, the Save the Lake District forest group, to share why they think its so important to stop the sell off of English forests. Their blog is below:

Last week we launched a new campaign to Save the Lake District’s Forests from the threat of being sold off by the Government.

The campaign is being organised by Paul Townsend, a former parish councilor, who lives at Satterthwaite near Grizedale.  He says: “If the Government goes ahead with these plans we won’t have the same kind of access to these forests that we enjoy today. New owners wouldn’t have to allow entry to mountain bikers or horse riders and they’d be able to put up fences and close car parks to make it more difficult for walkers to gain access.

“The Forestry Commission does a lot of work to maintain and improve habitats for a wide range of different species – including ospreys, red squirrels and red kites.  A new owner wouldn’t  have an obligation to continue this valuable work.”

Lord Clark of Windermere, a former Chairman of the Forestry Commission who now chairs the All Party Group on Forestry, is backing the campaign.  He says: “I do not believe any Government has the right to sell off our public forests.  We hold these magnificent green spaces in trust for our children.  Once they’ve gone we will not get them back.”

To find out more and get involved go to: www.savelakelandsforests.org.uk

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