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Feb 2nd, 2011

Save Our Forest Ads In The Papers

By RamziS

What a morning! Have you seen the ads in The Times, The Independent, The Mirror and The Daily Mail?

Thousands of us paid for these ads to be put in the papers on the day MPs vote for the first time on the future of our forests. We wanted to remind them that 84% of the public want our forests to stay in public ownership for future generations, and that hundreds of thousands of people have now signed the petition. This is something they can’t ignore.

Thank you to everyone who chipped in to pay for these ads. As individuals this is something we could never pay for, but by coming together – we can do amazing things!

If you want to add to the pressure on MPs this morning – give their office a call to ask if they’ll vote to safeguard our woodlands.

Save Our Forest Ads

Photograph by 38 Degrees

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