Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Feb 11th, 2011

Good news but we need to keep going

By RobHoltom

Today we received some good news – that the government plans to delay its forest sell-off for a few months. This shows that people powered campaigning is working.

However, our forests are still in danger. David Cameron is still trying to pass laws that will allow the government to sell-off up to 100% of our forests. We can’t let this happen which is why we have to keep the campaign going. Red Squirrel

Whether it is signing the petition, telling friends, emailing an MP, or putting up posters, we need to keep building the pressure. If we keep working together we can stop legal protections for our public woodland being removed.

Nearly half a million people have signed our petition, add your name to it and get the word out:


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