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Apr 26th, 2011

Contact your MSP candidates

By 38 Degrees team

The Scottish parliamentary elections are taking place on the 5th May. 38 Degrees members decided to work together to have their say at these elections. So, we’ve built a tool that makes it easy to e-mail all election candidates in your area at once. It it only takes a minute or two to get in touch and ask them where they stand on the issues you care about.

The election is for both constituency candidates and for ‘party lists’ for each region of Scotland. The tool lets you email your constituency candidates but to contact the party-list candidates you’ll need to contact them separately. The BBC website has a list of candidates for each region. You can normally find address and email for a candidate by searching their name on Google.

38 Degrees hasn’t produced a tool like this before. So it’s likely it won’t be flawless! Please leave comments, suggestions and ideas below.

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