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May 26th, 2011

NHS listening exercise: Submission Resources

By Cian O'Donovan

There are just four days left of Andrew Lansley’s NHS listening exercise. That means we have 4 days left to flood it with our comments, concerns, and objections.

We can make sure that when the figures are released in a couple of weeks, the headlines are clear: the bulk of the submissions to Lansley’s listening exercise opposed his plans.

It’s easy and fast to make a personal submission to the listening exercise using the 38 Degrees website. It only takes a couple of minutes, and there are hints and suggestions for what to include.

You can send a message to the “listening exercise” right now here? It will take only a couple of minutes. You can be as brief or detailed as you like, and there are links below to useful facts & figures that you can include in your message.

Then let other 38 Degrees members know what you submitted in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Here are some of the big issues 38 Degrees members are concerned about:

  • Decisions being taken behind closed doors
  • The threat to the Government’s duty to provide a comprehensive health service
  • Competition versus co-operation
  • “Cherry-picking” by private healthcare providers
  • The Government is not listening to experts and patients
  • Huge changes are being proposed without proper trials first

You might find some of the information on the 38 Degrees NHS Action Centre useful. The British Medical Association has lots of useful information at their campaign centre here.

There are lots more happening across the country. Here are a few links:
See what some 38 Degrees members have been saying to their local MPs as they’ve handed in Save the NHS petitions up and down the country.
Have you signed the Save the NHS petition? Over 400,000 people have, and many have left comments on the page.
For up to the minute news and opinion the Guardian’s NHS Reform blog is worth reading.
You can have a look and see what’s being said about the NHS right now on Twitter.
And don’t forget the 38 Degrees Facebook page. There has been a constant conversation about the NHS since Lansley announced his proposed changes.


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