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Jul 29th, 2011

What next for the Murdoch campaign?

By 38 Degrees team

38 Degrees members first started campaigning against Murdoch’s BSkyB powergrab back in July last year. On July 13th Murdoch dropped  its planned bid to take full ownership of satellite broadcaster BSkyB.   Along with our friends at Avaaz, some great campaigning journalism from the Guardian and lots of other groups we’ve shown that people power works.

Over the past couple of weeks, 38 Degrees members has been voting on what our next steps should be with the Murdoch campaign by voting in a poll.

Should we say job done and stop campaigning? Or should we be on the look-out for Murdoch trying new ways to control our media? Or perhaps we have an opportunity now to campaign for higher media standards more generally?

The results 

Overall, 38 Degrees members voted that this should be one of the many campaigns that we run and only a small percentage of members think that we should stop campaigning.

The results on what aspect of the scandal concerned 38 Degrees members most were relatively close. The most popular course of action seems to be to focus on demanding news laws to address problems with the excessive power and influence of media barons.

How much should we keep working on phone hacking and media corruption?

How much should we keep working on phone hacking and media corruption

If you think we should keep working on media corruption and the phone hacking scandal, which aspect of the scandal worries you most?
If you think we should keep working on media corruption and the phone hacking scandal, which aspect of the scandal worries you most?

If you think we should keep working together on this campaign, what do you think we should focus on next?
If you think we should keep working together on this campaign, what do you think we should focus on next?

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