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Sep 27th, 2011

Save the NHS: Can you Chip in?

By Daniella

UK Parliament

Photograph by UK Parliament (Flickr)

 **Update – Amazing! In just a few hours we’ve hit the original target of £20,000!  This means we can put the next stage of our plan to protect our NHS in to action. But the more we raise, the more we can do together. Please keep donating here.**

Can you chip in now put the next stages of our Save the NHS campaign in to action?

Soon the House of Lords starts voting on Andrew Lansley’s dangerous NHS plans. They have a choice – will they force the government to make changes to protect our NHS? Or will they wave through plans that threaten our health service?

The Lords start voting in just 2 weeks time – we’re on a very tight deadline to get this started.

It’s not going to be easy. But some key members of the House of Lords are already saying they have big concerns about the government’s NHS plans.

Thousands of 38 Degrees members voted to decide our plan for persuading the House of Lords to protect the NHS. If we work together, we really could persuade enough of them to vote the right way.

Click here to find out more and help make it happen.

Here’s the plan to get enough Lords to protect the NHS:
– contact every member of the House of Lords about the need to make changes to the NHS plans
– put the Lords face to face with experts who can explain in detail why these NHS plans are so dangerous.

We have just written to thousands of 38 Degrees members to raise the money needed to put this plan in to action.

£20,000 will mean we can:

1. Pay for our legal team and other experts to hold briefing sessions in the House of Lords

2. Build a brand new “email a Lord” web tool to make it easier to contact a member of the House of Lords with messages about the NHS

3. Post letters to all 788 members of the House of Lords setting out the problems with the NHS bill

4. Get fresh advice from our legal experts quickly if the government announces new changes to its proposals

The Lords start voting in just two weeks. Chip in now, and we’ll get started this weekend.

38 Degrees doesn’t get big corporate donations or government funding. We rely on thousands of us all just contributing what we can afford. We can make a little money go a long way because our strength comes from the number of us involved rather than the size of our bank balances – but we still need some cash to put the plans into action.

If we keep working together we can persuade the House of Lords to stop Lansley’s threat to our health service – and ensure our NHS is kept safe for future generations.

If enough of us chip in to raise £20,000, we can get going right now!

Please donate whatever you can afford now.

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