Oct 17th, 2011
Save our countryside petition hand-in
By Travis.K
![38 degrees staff and volunteers handing in the petition at 10 Downing Street 38 degrees staff and volunteers handing in the petition at 10 Downing Street](http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/-/images/planning%20hand%20in%202.jpg)
Photograph by 38 Degrees
This morning a small delegation representing a huge number of 38 Degrees members were at 10 Downing Street to hand in the Save our countryside petition. In under four weeks, more than 100,000 38 Degrees members who don’t want to see their countryside overrun with bulldozers have come together to sign the petition.
Here are just a few comments 38 Degrees members made on the petition:
- “Builders have lots of sites that are mothballed and others with planning permission already.Who is this change to benefit……” Chris
- “I support new home development, but it needs to be built in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. We need to protect our countryside.” Nicholas
- “This is a disgraceful attempt to demolish local checks and balances in favour of wealthy opportunists.” Graham
- “We can’t keep using up countryside. We must increasingly look at redeveloping old urban land. Yes it’s more expensive, but it’s so short sighted to leave ruined old urban land, sometimes not even used, and build over green because it’s cheap and easy.” Joe
Today the government shut the door on its ‘consultation’ process, their way of reviewing how planning decisions are made. Here’s a blog from a few weeks ago.
The petition delivery to Number 10 was timed so that the views of over 100,000 38 Degrees members would be seen by the government as they make up their mind what to do next and ensure they put our interests ahead of lobbyists from the construction industry.
When we work together we can win. 38 Degrees members had a big impact when we came together to save our forests earlier this year. Now, tens of thousands of us are doing the same to protect our countryside.
Today’s hand-in marked a milestone in the campaign but it’s far from over. The government’s plans are still on the table. The National Trust, the Woodland Trust and Friends of the Earth still remain greatly concerned with the implications of the NPPF.
The petition, signed by over 100,000 of us so far, will send a loud message to the government demanding they provide real protection for our beautiful green land and countryside that all of us cherish.
If you haven’t signed the petition you can do so here, then send it to your friends and family.