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Jan 9th, 2012

Let’s drive down the price of gas and electricity bills

By becky

*** UPDATE ***
Our pressure is working. This morning EDF Energy said they’ll cut their gas prices by 5%! They’re not the only ones sitting up and taking notice. Today, politicians have been queueing up to echo the demands of 38 Degrees members.

It’s no surprise they’ve acted so fast. In just two days, 60,000 of us have signed the petition demanding big gas and electricity companies pass on the gas price drop, instead of stuffing their own pockets.

It’s time to build the pressure on British Gas to follow EDF’s example. On Friday, we’ll deliver our massive petition direct to their doorstep. At the same time, we’ll bombard their Twitter account with messages from 38 Degrees members.

The more of us that sign the petition, the sooner British Gas will crack under the pressure and drop their prices. Can you join in?

Have you noticed the global price of gas has dropped recently? Probably not – the prices we pay for gas and electricity are still at record levels and have risen six times faster than household incomes since 2004. There are nearly a million 38 Degrees members. If enough of us get involved we can drive down gas and electricity bills for everyone.

Companies are always eager to pass on price hikes. But too often when the wholesale price falls, our bills stay sky-high. Is this just the mysterious way the markets work? Or is it profiteering? We need to act fast to force them to pass this price cut onto us, their customers.

Help shame the energy companies into passing the price cut on to their customers – sign the petition now.

A huge petition could shift the energy companies’ thinking. They’ll know that the public is losing patience with them. They’ll be risking even more bad publicity. And they’ll know every signature is a customer or potential customer. So let’s make this petition huge!

The Times reports that even British Gas insiders “believe that a cut of less than 10 per cent would be affordable”.  A 10% cut would make a big difference to families struggling to heat their homes this winter. But if we don’t speak up, there’s a real risk the companies will continue to cream off the extra profit instead.

We’ll deliver the first batch of signatures to British Gas – the biggest gas and electricity company – later this week. Please add your name now.

Before Christmas, 38 Degrees members voted to work together to stop the energy rip-off. We’ve all been hit by gas and electricity price hikes. This fall in global gas prices is a chance to challenge the energy companies to treat us more fairly.

Help make the gas and electricity companies realise that no amount of clever advertising and slick PR will rescue their reputation if they don’t pass this price cut on. Please sign the petition, and forward to all your friends and family.

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