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Feb 23rd, 2012

Gas and Electricity and your MP

By 38 Degrees team

Close up of an electricity meter. Photo source: drewm (flickr)

In the last two weeks 38 Degrees members have joined forces with consumer champions Which? to bargain as a group with energy companies, and get them to compete to offer us the cheapest prices. Already over 130,000 of us have signed up to switch gas and electricity companies to get a better deal on our bills. It’s been all over the news – from the Daily Mail to The Independent! By joining together our bargaining position is getting stronger every day.

Now an “Early Day Motion” – a petition in parliament for MPs – has been launched in support of The Big Switch. If we can persuade a large number of MPs to sign, we should be able to send another powerful signal to the gas and electricity companies that the game is up.

If enough of us contact our MPs now, we should be able to quickly persuade loads of them to sign up to the campaign. They won’t want to look like they’re taking the side of the power companies at a time when their voters are feeling the pinch.

Let’s aim to get 100 MPs signed up this week! Please email your MP now by clicking here.

We can be sure the bosses of electricity and gas companies will be watching this closely. If they see large numbers of MPs signing up in support of The Big Switch, they’ll feel under even more pressure to give us a better deal. We can make sure they are feeling the pressure from all angles.

Big gas and electricity companies like British Gas and EDF have big lobbying teams who cosy up to MPs behind the scenes. But we’ve got people power! We are running this campaign because thousands of 38 Degrees members voted for it. And already over 130,000 of us have got involved. So now let’s make sure MPs take our side in the battle to tackle gas and electricity profiteering.

It takes just a couple of minutes to email your MP. Click here to get started.

Once you get a reply back from your MP, please post it in the comments section below so other 38 Degrees members can see what MPs are saying.

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