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Mar 2nd, 2012

NHS billboards: live on Monday!

By marie

Our huge NHS billboard campaign is about to launch. Thousands of 38 Degrees members chipped in to pay for the adverts, which are going up in locations all across London. By the end of the week there will be ads in the constituencies of Cameron, Clegg and Lansley and other ministers and in the following weeks there will be up to a hundred more throughout the country.

Over 20,000 people have donated towards the cost of these ads. They feature Dr Brigid Sheppard, a GP and 38 Degrees member, telling David Cameron to rethink the government’s NHS plans and respect the views of doctors and nurses who believe the changes will hurt our NHS.

The billboards will make it impossible for Cameron, Clegg and Lansley to forget that 66% of NHS staff think their reforms will make our NHS worse, not better. As they travel around London, the party leaders will be confronted by our ads time and again, proving the strength of our opposition to the NHS plans going ahead.

On Monday, there’ll be ads popping up all over the place. If you see one, take a picture and share it with other 38 Degrees members on our Facebook page.

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