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Mar 5th, 2012

Update: selling Quantock Hills

By Becca McCarthy

Recently, our people powered petition to prevent the sale of nearly 2000 acres of Quantocks Hills land was delivered.

The plan to sell the land would mean that vast expanses of beautiful woodland and open countryside would leave public ownership. Lots of 38 Degrees members spoke out against the proposal and over 30,000 people added their names to the petition against the sale.

Mike Rigby delivered the petition to Somerset County Council along with some of Somerset-based 38 Degrees members. He explained that it was the petition itself which helped to force an official debate on the issue amongst members of the council.

Unfortunately the debate was lost by just eight votes, but the result was much tighter than expected. Lots of councillors chose not to vote at all, partly as a result of the huge petition being presented to the Council, proving that when we work together, we can make sure our message is heard.

Despite the disappointing outcome, without the members of 38 Degrees signing the petition the debate would never have taken place. Now, local campaigners are working out what more can be done to stop the sale going ahead.

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