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Mar 15th, 2012

The Big Switch: Update

By 38 Degrees team

**UPDATE** The ‘reverse auction with gas and electricity companies has been put back to the 9th of May. You now have until 8th of May to sign up and give all your details, so make sure you sign up to get the offer of a cheaper deal.

Electricity meter

Wow! 200,000 of us have now signed up to switch gas and electricity companies together for a cheaper deal. That’s great news, because the more of us there are, the more bargaining power we have to get the best deal on our gas and electricity bills.

It’s only taken a few weeks for so many of us to join in, and that’s not all we’ve been doing. 38 Degrees members who have signed up for The Big Switch have been busy telling more and more people about the campaign.

Over 16,000 of us have sent letters to our MPs asking them to support the campaign in parliament. Now over a hundred MPs from all different parties have got behind it. They have signed up to an ‘Early Day Motion’ – a petition in parliament for MPs – which supports The Big Switch.

We’ve also been writing to our local papers, to let them know about campaign and to tell other people that we live near how they can join. Nearly 1000 members have sent letters, and already the campaign has been featured in several papers, including the Yorkshire Post and the Gloucestershire Echo.

Soon it will be time for the expert negotiators at Which? to start bargaining with the energy companies. We’ve got until the 31st of March to get as many people possible on board to make sure we get the best deal. Make sure you sign up here and tell your friends.

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