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Apr 17th, 2012

Climate Change: Can Cameron stand strong?

By Max Brodie

Photograph by Bruno D Rodrigues (Flickr)

“David Cameron has a key role in making sure there are EU targets to reduce emissions by 30% by 2020. Now 38 Degrees members have a vital role in ensuring David Cameron shows his support in his green speech on 26th April.” Melanie Coath, RSPB

Right now, behind the scenes in Europe, big decisions are being made about climate change. Experts say what’s needed are targets to reduce emissions by at least 30%.  But some European leaders are starting to lose their nerve.

David Cameron has a key role to play. But at just the time we need him to stand strong, he is losing the support of his own top conservative ministers on tackling climate change.

Cameron knows that his support for a 30% target is crucial. Without it, other leaders may use his silence as an excuse to drop out of the Europe-wide climate effort.

Together we can convince Cameron to stand strong and back 30% climate targets in his key speech on 26th April. Thousands of messages from 38 Degrees members will prove that whatever his ministers are saying, that the public want real progress on climate change. Click here to get started.

If Europe is allowed to reject tougher targets, it will set back the fight against climate change across the world. Tougher targets will be a big step towards cleaner energy, green jobs, and falling emissions.

There are rumours of a tug of war going on inside government. Conservative ministers will be putting the pressure on behind closed doors – let’s make sure Cameron knows that the public won’t stand by and watch him throw away this opportunity in the fight against climate change.

We know it can work. Last year, thousands of us contacted Cameron to tell him not to water down the UK’s own target – and we won.

Please email David Cameron now:


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