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Jun 7th, 2012

Protect BBC independence

By becky

BBC Testcard

Over the next few days, the BBC Board of Trustees could be deciding who to appoint as the next Director General – one of broadcasting’s most important jobs.

The media have already begun to take bets on who the successful candidate will be, whilst outspoken politicians have already started point scoring by suggesting the job should go to a candidate who is party political.

Lord Patten and the rest of the BBC Trustees have the final say on who gets the job. Let’s show them we won’t stand for political game-playing when it comes to such an important choice.

38 Degrees members have said that one of the most valuable things about the BBC is its independence. Together we can show Lord Patten that we’d like him to keep it that way.

Please add your name to the letter to Lord Patten now.

The BBC is famous all over the world. People rely on its news reporting. Its programmes are enjoyed in countries thousands of miles away from the UK. The new Director General will be in charge of it all. It’s vital the right person ends up in the job – and that means someone who understands that the BBC’s independence must never be compromised.

We know that 38 Degrees members can influence the BBC’s decisions. Two years ago we helped save 6Music by convincing bosses to drop their plans to close the station. And BBC bosses must be glad we saved the station now – 6Music just won “UK Radio Station of the Year” at this year’s Sony Awards.

Lord Patten knows that the BBC Trustees must protect the BBC from political interference. But he doesn’t know how many of us want him to make sure that’s a top priority when the new Director General is chosen.

Write to Lord Patten now. 

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