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Jul 18th, 2012

Banking poll: results are in!

By 38 Degrees team

The latest banking scandal could be our best chance in a long time to get real change in how banks work. But what do we want to change, and how can we make our campaign as powerful as posssible?

38 Degrees uses people power to decide how to plan our campaigns. That’s why this week over 35,000 38 Degrees member have been voting on what we should do to next to take on the bankers. Here are the questions we answered and the results:

There are lots of suggestions how to fix our broken banking system for the future. Which ones should 38 Degrees members campaign for together?

graph of the results


What should we do together?

graph of the results


How would you like to get involved?

graph of the results

Over the next few weeks, there’ll be lots of chances to make sure the banks are forced to clean up their act. 38 Degrees members will be working together to make sure we’re piling on the pressure on our top priorities from this poll. If you’ve got more ideas for how we could be making sure our banking system is sorted out, then please share them on the 38 Degrees Facebook page, or in the comments section below.

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