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Jul 19th, 2012

Five down! Three more sponsors give up their tax break

By Hannah Lownsbrough

There’s more good news on our campaign to get Olympic sponsors to give up their tax breaks. Three more companies – Visa, GE and EDF Energy – have said they won’t be dodging taxes on their Olympic profits.

The Olympic sponsors logos with crosses through the ones that have given up the tax break

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This is another massive victory for people power. It shows that when we work together, we’re able to change the behaviour of even the biggest and richest companies in the world. But there are still nine Olympic sponsors who haven’t said they’ll be giving up their tax breaks, despite our petition with nearly 170,000 names. We need to convince them it’s time to do the right thing and pay their fair share.

How can we increase the pressure on the companies that haven’t done the right thing yet? Share your ideas below, or add them to 38 Degrees’ Facebook page.

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