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Sep 12th, 2012

Snooping: our voices have been heard!

By clea.g

The 38 Degrees office received this brilliant email today!  It’s from the Clerk of the Committee examining the government’s plans for a new snooping law.

A few weeks ago, nearly 19,000 38 Degrees members got in touch with the Committee to voice our concerns about the planned changes to UK privacy laws. And it’s clear they’ve listened.

The email states:

“It is not possible for the Committee staff to thank all those who have sent emails individually, but the Committee have been made well aware of the great preponderance of opposition to the draft Bill from members of the public.”

Together, we’ve made a big impression on the MPs and Lords who are on the Committee, as they come to a decision about what to put in their critical report to Parliament. The Committee has also written about our submissions on the Parliament website.

This is a big achievement, and a great step forward in our fight to protect our privacy.  Now we have to wait and see what the Committee says about the government’s plans in the official report.

There could be a long way to go in this campaign. What do you think?  Should we keep up the pressure?  What could we do next together to make sure MPs know we don’t want these snooping plans to become law?


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