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Oct 16th, 2012

October Member Poll: Results now in!

By Matt Reilly

Last week, thousands of us voted on what the next set of campaign priorities for 38 Degrees will be – and now the results are in! For more information on how the team sorts this data have a look at this blog.

First up the poll asked members their views on the campaigns which 38 Degrees is currently running.

It’s clear from the results below that the NHS campaign remains the top priority. Reining in irresponsible bankers and tackling tax-dodging also scored highly. Protecting internet privacy had less strong support but still nearly half of members felt it was something we should campaign on ‘a lot’.

Below is a graph of these initial poll results:

The poll also asked about potential new campaigns that members would like to see.

Campaigns to protect bees from pesticides and to stop companies like G4S taking over our police forces were both very popular with members. The 38 Degrees office team will be looking for opportunities to campaign on these issues.

The percentage of members interested in each campaign is shown below:

Some of the questions in the poll – like “If 38 Degrees had a dream, what could it be?” – gave members an opportunity to express their ideas in more detail, with some great responses! These will be analysed in the coming weeks – so watch this space for an update.


What next?
The results will determine where we put most of our efforts over the coming weeks and months. Sometimes the best opportunity for a campaign takes a while to come along, but these results mean the office team have a clear direction to follow when researching future campaign ideas.

What do you think?
What do you think of the results? Are there any other campaigns you think should be on the list? You can share your ideas in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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