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Nov 15th, 2012

Local police elections today: remember to vote

By becky

In a few hours private security companies like G4S could be on their way to controlling big parts of our local police. The new police and crime commissioner elections are today on Thursday 15th and there’s a big danger that pro-privatisation candidates could get in with just a few votes.

That’s why we need to sound the alarm and get our friends and family to the polling stations armed with the facts. Over the last few days, 38 Degrees members have emailed all the candidates to find out who supports privatisation. You can see what your candidates say about privatisation here.

Hardly anyone knows that these elections are even happening – experts reckon less than one in five people could vote. That means there’s a huge danger that we could end up with commissioners that few people even voted for privatising our police forces.

Voting is easy – you just go along to your polling station, probably the same place as you would vote in a general election. Polling stations are open from 7am until 10pm so it’s easy to go before or after work and you don’t even need to bring your polling card with you.

Please also remind your friends and family on Facebook to vote, by clicking here.

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