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Nov 16th, 2012

Breaking News: Climate change decisions being made now

By becky


It looks like crucial decisions about climate change are being hammered out right now. We’ve just been tipped off by our friends at Greenpeace that Nick Clegg, David Cameron, George Osborne and the Climate Minister Ed Davey are sitting down to decide whether or not to cut the carbon from electricity.

Greenpeace have told us that George Osborne wants to kill off plans for low-carbon electricity and instead build a load of new gas power plants burning imported fossil fuels.

Things could go either way in the next few hours. If Osborne wins, it will be a huge set back. It looks like our best bet is to pressure Nick Clegg, asking him to hold firm for carbon-free electricity.

Can you send Nick Clegg an email right away?

So let’s move fast, and flood Nick Clegg’s office with messages telling him to do the right thing and ensure our electricity is carbon free. We can let him know that if he stands up to Osborne, he’ll have thousands of us standing behind him.

If climate change is something that you are worried about then please take 30 seconds to send a message to Nick Clegg, asking him to protect his vision for a “clean, green economy, powered by new low-carbon technologies“.

Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems have said in public that they want to do the right thing on climate change – thanks in no small part to encouragement from thousands of us!  But Osborne and Cameron are good at getting their own way. And we know from past experience that Nick Clegg is far less likely to cave in if he knows we’re watching.

New businesses have been waiting years for the government’s green light to fund more jobs and cleaner, safer energy. Let’s tell Nick Clegg that we need targets that make our electricity carbon free, which will give industry the certainty it needs to invest and create jobs in a new green economy. If we are going to overcome the power of fossil fuel lobbyists and George Osborne, people power from thousands of us is going to be crucial.


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