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Nov 26th, 2012

Danny Nightingale: Legal Costs Update

By [email protected]

Update: Great news! We’ve raised more than £32,000 towards Sergeant Danny Nightingale’s legal costs in just two days! Thank you to everyone who’s donated so far.

The Nightingales still have £38,000 of legal fees to pay. Click here to make a secure donation to help the Nightingales with the rest of their legal costs.


Sergeant Danny Nightingale’s future is hanging the in the balance. In just a few days, an appeal court will decide whether he‘ll spend the next 18 months in jail or be released in time to be home for Christmas with his family. The Nightingales’ lawyers are working night and day to get his unfair sentence overturned.

But lawyers are expensive. And not only are Mrs Nightingale and her small children still facing the possibility of eviction from their home, they are already saddled with £70,000 of unpaid legal costs – and the bill is growing every day.

But what if we all chipped in to help cover their legal costs? There are more than 60,000 of us on the petition – we could wipe the slate clean in one go! We can make sure that as Danny’s appeal date approaches, the only thing he and his wife have to worry about is winning his freedom.

Click here to make a donation to help the Nightingales.

38 Degrees member Pat’s petition to free Danny now has over 60,000 signatures, and it’s already made a difference – Danny’s lawyers have told us that because of the public outcry about his sentence, his appeal date has been brought forward.

This means Danny could be home for Christmas – in a large part thanks to the role thousands of us have played in signing the petition to free him. But even if Danny does get the justice he deserves, it could be a tough Christmas for the Nightingales.His army pay has been cut off and the family have no income with which to pay their hefty legal debts.

But we could help them. We’ve seen time and time again how 38 Degrees members can come together to make the world a better, fairer place. We can change lives. This is our chance to do something incredible to help the Nightingales in their hour of need.

Click here to make a donation.


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