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Dec 4th, 2012

Gas and Electricity Bills Poll: The Results

By [email protected]

Gas and electricity companies will soon have to automatically switch customers to the lowest tariff available to them. In October, David Cameron promised to force gas and electricity companies to give all their customers the cheapest deal. Following this announcement 38 Degrees members then wrote to their MPs asking them to hold David Cameron to his promise and it worked!

But what do 38 Degrees members want to do next to tackle rip-off gas and electricity bills? 38 Degrees uses people power to help plan our campaigns. That’s why 38 Degrees members have been voting to help decide what we should do together next to take on rip-off gas and electricity bills. And now the results are in! For more information on how the staff team sorts this kind of data have a look at this blog.

Which, if any, of the issues listed below would you be interested in campaigning on together in the future?


Are there any other ideas you’d like to share?

Here’re a few comments from 38 Degrees members about what they’d like to campaign for over the next few months.

“I certainly feel that the big gas and electricity companies are very powerful, arrogant and appear to be driven by profit. They need to be accountable so that we know what the profits are spent on.”

“If thousands of us switch away from the big gas and electricity companies, we’ll send a signal to the huge, profit-hungry companies: gas and electricity customers are taking their power back!”

“Make the private energy companies reveal their purchase prices so we can see their actual profits.”

“We still need to guard against companies making huge profits at our expense. We need Government control to ensure fair prices for customers and not extreme profits for directors, company owners and shareholders.”


What do you think about the results? If you’ve got more ideas about how 38 Degrees can take on rip-off gas and electricity bills , then please share them on the 38 Degrees Facebook page or in the comments section below.

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