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Jan 17th, 2013

Stop nuclear waste plans for the Lake District

By Peter.M

The Lake Dstrict by James T M Towill


Hi, my name is Peter Maher, I am a 38 Degrees member from Cumbria.

In less than two weeks, local councillors in Cumbria could push ahead with plans to build a nuclear waste dump in the Lake District and we want to stop them.

Scientists such as Stuart Haszeldine, Professor of Geology and regular government advisor, have warned that if a dump is built, “radioactive gas [could] leak to the surface within 60 years.”

If the Councillors see that the nuclear waste plans are hugely unpopular with voters, they could vote to stop the plan, and save the Lake District from becoming England’s nuclear waste dumping ground.

If thousands of people sign this petition demanding the councillors abandon their plans, we could show them that giving the nuclear dump the go-ahead could cost them their seats on the council. Can you sign the petition now?

On 30th January, councillors from Allerdale, Cumbria County and Copeland will vote on whether to start excavating potential dump sites in the heart of the Lake District. Many of the councillors want to push ahead because they think the nuclear waste dump could bring enough economic benefits to outweigh the dangers.

But the Lake District is a national treasure, a uniquely beautiful and peaceful part of our country. These plans would scar the landscape and risk thousands of vital jobs in the local tourist industry.

Please take 2 minutes to sign the petition and then share it with others!

This isn’t about about a “not-in-my-backyard” thinking or an anti-nuclear agenda. There could be huge consequences for the landscape and local economy if the nuclear waste dump plan goes ahead.

At the end of the day, what Councillors care about most is what voters think. And that’s where people power comes in! Control of Cumbria County Council will be up for grabs very soon, with an election in May. With a huge local petition, we can show them just how unpopular they will be with voters if they support the nuclear waste dump plan.


This petition was started on the new ‘Campaigns by You’ part of the 38 Degrees site. ‘Campaigns by You’ lets anyone set up and run their own campaigns on any issue they want – big or small, local or national. Find out more or start your own petition here.


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