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Jan 25th, 2013

Together we took on Tesco and won!

By clea.g

Great news, we did it!

38 Degrees members have stopped Tesco destroying natural woodlands and WW1 air raid shelters in Halstead.

Tesco had planned to fill the WW1 air raid shelters and flatten almost an acre of natural woodlands so they could build a new superstore. However, thanks to the efforts of hundreds of 38 Degrees members, their planning permission has been denied!

38 Degrees member Alison, from Halstead, started the petition against Tesco’s plans on Campaigns By You, the new area of 38 Degrees website where members can start their own campaigns. After hearing about Tesco’s plans Alison decided to start a petition herself because she didn’t feel like anyone else was doing anything to stop Tesco’s destruction of this land.

The large woodlands that Tesco were planning to build over is a natural habitat for a host of animals, such as deer, bats, hedgehogs and squirrels and home to several very mature trees. It is land that needed to be protected and thanks to the support of so many, it has been!

Within a few weeks there were nearly 800 signatures on the petition and national media coverage on the BBC website. Along with supporting the petition with their signatures, over 150 people sent in individual objection letters to Braintree District Council detailing their criticisms of Tesco’s application. At the meeting one councillor said that it was the largest collection of objection letters from organisations and members of the public he had ever seen.

This is a great example of what people power can achieve!

We now have to watch in case Tesco decide to appeal – but they’re in for a fight if they do.  The strength in numbers of those opposed to the plans means they’re unlikely to get very far.

The petition that helped stop Tesco’s plans was started by 38 Degrees member Alison on the new ‘Campaigns by You’ part of the 38 Degrees site. ‘Campaigns by You’ lets anyone set up and run their own campaigns on any issue they want – big or small, local or national. Click here to find out more or start a petition: http://you.38degrees.org.uk

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