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Feb 11th, 2013

Lake District Nuclear Dump: sharing the good news

By Alice

Since Cumbria County Council voted to abandon plans to investigate building a nuclear waste dump in the Lake District, the 38 Degrees office team has received loads of lovely emails from members delighted at the news.

More than 50,000 members signed a petition to protect the Lake District from becoming the site for a Nuclear Waste dump. Over a hundred members emailed in to congratulate Peter Maher, who started the petition on ‘Campaigns by You’, and to share stories of what the Lake District means to them.

Here are just a few quotes from the many emails we received:

“I am so happy that the petition worked. Thank you so much for letting me know. Well done! I live in beautiful Devon on the Jurassic Coast and if anyone tried to build a nuclear waste plant here, I would fight.  So fantastic that 38 Degrees exists.”

“Amazing news – heard it yesterday and danced around the kitchen…”

“Brilliant news, Peter. When I was 16 in 1955 I won a travel scholarship from my school to study ‘Human Development and the Preservation of Scenery in the Lake District’. I spent three weeks walking and studying this topic with local people. I have never lost my love of the area and my concern about this crucial balance. We need to be vigilant now and for generations to come.”

“I’m so glad to hear the wondrous Lakes are safe thanks to your campaign to halt the ridiculous notion it would be ok to dump nuclear waste there. We live just over the Pennines in Teesdale & often travel over to your side to enjoy the beauty of the area. Well done you. Huge thanks for saving the nature so we can continue, and our children can enjoy, what the Lake District has to offer.”

“Great news about the success of the Lake District Campaign. I am from Ulverston in the Lakes and are really grateful to everyone for the time and effort spent on the campaign. Well done!”

“Thank you Peter. You did a great job… We were first in Ennerdale in the 60’s when our climbing club camped there, and I climbed Pilla. I can’t wait to make a sentimental journey in the spring.”

“Brilliant news. Well done. I live in a National Park and realise how important it is to have protected landscape in this world where money seems to speak so much louder than landscape so very pleased at this outcome.”

“Thank you for informing me of this great news. I am so very happy for everyone, especially those people lucky enough to be living in such a beautiful place. My daughter and her family holiday in Grasmere every year. She calls it her ‘annual pilgrimage’ as it has such an uplifting effect on her. Well done to all those people who actively participated in the campaign and especially to you Peter for organising the petition and taking such an active role.”

“Well done – that’s great news! I’m new to computers – this is the first campaign I’ve signed an e-petition for… I’m a new resident in Lakeland too: great to hear that our collective efforts will help to preserve this very special corner of our country. People Power Rules OK!”

“That is terrific. I am delighted and so pleased we could help. I might not live in the Lakes but I do love that part of England. May you have many more happy years living in a place free from nuclear dumps.”

You can read petition starter Peter Maher’s blog post about the campaign here.

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