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Feb 18th, 2013

Clean energy VS George Osborne: Email your MP

By India Thorogood

We’ve got a chance. A cleaner, greener economy is possible. Right now, plans are going through parliament which could set us on the right track for climate-friendly energy production. But George Osborne is blocking a key part: a watertight target for the UK to produce carbon-free electricity by 2030.

Tim Yeo MP, the former Conservative environment minister, has put down a green amendment to the government’s draft plans. It’s exactly what is needed to make sure a firm target is in place. Now we need to get enough MPs to back it.

MPs have a choice. Do they stand up for a cleaner, greener Britain, or do they side with Osborne and his dirty fossil fuels? It’s up to us to persuade them to side with Tim Yeo.

Can you email your MP now to make sure they support the amendment?

38 Degrees members, working together with green groups like Greenpeace, can make this happen. Here’s the plan. Thousands of us email our MPs to support the amendment. Then we work together to put extra pressure on the MPs who could swing the vote. For the next few weeks, we’ll be working online and in constituencies. This is a big opportunity, and we can’t miss it.

If we work together now, we could be part of making sure we have clean, thriving, low-carbon economy a huge win for our household bills, jobs and our planet. Clean-energy companies like Siemens are even lined up to invest in the UK if we get this amendment as part of the government’s plans.

But they won’t if George Osborne gets his way. And we’ll have lost our chance to end our dependence on fossil fuels for electricity. Let’s not let that happen!

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