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Mar 14th, 2013

24 hours to save the bees?

By India Thorogood

Our bees are dying, but the environment minister is turning his back on them.  Tomorrow, there’s an important vote in Europe, which could stop the use of the pesticides that scientists think are responsible for killing our bees. But Owen Paterson, the environment minister, is planning on scuppering the plans.

If Owen gets bombarded by calls from his fellow MPs today and tomorrow morning, we can persuade him to change his mind and back the vote to protect our bees.

Click here to write to your MP and ask them to contact Owen Paterson as soon as possible and ask him to vote to suspend the use of the pesticides.

Throwing caution to the wind, Owen Paterson is ignoring the steps that France, Italy and other European countries are taking to ban these harmful pesticides. The UK government are siding with the powerful pesticide companies, and waiting for more and more tests before making a decision. But by then it it could be too late for our bees.

38 Degrees members have been fighting hard to protect our bees.  We’ve already handed in a big petition to Owen Paterson and written to our MPs about new research. Let’s kick up a storm, and make sure that Owen Paterson’s phone is ringing off the hook, so that he realises thousands of us want him to vote the right way and protect our bees.

Please write to your MP and ask them to phone Owen Paterson straight away.

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