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Mar 22nd, 2013

Meeting with Health Minister Norman Lamb

By Robin Priestley

38 Degrees members and team

Ken, Caroline, David, Linda, Anu and Ian in the waiting area at the Dept for Health

Yesterday 38 Degrees members and staff went to Westminster to meet with the health minister Norman Lamb MP to talk about our campaign against dodgy, pro-privatisation NHS regulations.  Over 350,000 members have now signed the petition against plans to force local doctors to open up almost all NHS services to private companies.  This petition and member-funded legal advice, helped push Norman Lamb to scrap the first version of these dodgy, pro-privatisation NHS regulations.

Linda and Norman Lamb MP

Linda delivering the petition to Health Minister Norman Lamb

38 Degrees member Linda who had previously written to members handed in the petition to Norman Lamb.

Norman and several staff from the Department of Health sat down with 38 Degrees to talk about the new regulations. We went in armed with the results of the survey taken by tens of thousands of 38 Degrees members which told us what you thought we should say.

Below is a video with feedback from the members present on how the meeting went as well as their thoughts on the campaign in general. This is very much our first impressions – as always the devil is in the detail. Norman Lamb offered some general assurances which in principle sounded promising, but we will need to follow up to get more details in writing before we decide what our next steps should be.

So, watch this space, as further feedback from the meeting and an email about the next steps in the campaign to save the NHS will be coming soon.


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