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May 21st, 2013

Npower: Online Advertising

By Robin Priestley

npower adverts
Online adverts for the Big Tax Turnoff paid for by 38 Degrees members.


175,000 of us have signed the Npower petition against tax dodging and now it’s time to teach Npower a lesson. We asked members, who were also Npower customers, if we should all switch to another energy supplier – and over 98% of them said yes.

Are you an Npower customer? Would you be interested in switching away too? It’s a simple two step process and if enough of us switch away, Npower will really sit up and take notice.

Click here and switch to a new supplier

For those of us who aren’t Npower customers, there are still ways to get involved.

The more people who hear about the switch, the more powerful the message to Npower, so spread the word far and wide. Hundreds of 38 Degrees members have also chipped in and paid for a series of online adverts exposing Npower’s tax dodging ways and encouraging their customers to leave them.

Big companies like Npower use sophisticated targeted advertising to reach customers online. By working with an agency we placed targeted adverts in the same way Npower do. But our adverts will be Npower’s worst nightmare – instead of giving them reasons to stay, ours will tell them to switch away.  They will be running for the whole week, meaning that we can get these adverts seen by hundreds of thousands of potential Npower customers.



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