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Jun 3rd, 2013

Energy Bill: 24 hours to go

By [email protected]

24 hours. That’s all the time we have left til MPs vote for the final time on the Energy Bill – and on a clean energy target.

A 2030 clean energy target is crucial, and it’s crucial that we commit to it now. The government want to delay setting one til 2015 at the earliest, but they’re just ducking the responsibility. If the vote for a clean target passes tomorrow, we’ll be committing to £25 billion in savings, creating thousands of green jobs and saving the atmosphere from 400 million tonnes of damaging carbon emissions. Not only that, but we’ll be back on track to meet our climate change targets.

If the vote doesn’t go the right way, none of that will happen.

The choice is stark and immediate: either we stand up and tackle climate change head on, creating jobs and making savings along the way – or we duck the chance, and rush headlong towards gas and other dirty fuels.

17 wavering MPs have bowed to the pressure and said they’ll vote for clean energy after outcries in their constituencies – but for a majority to vote the right way tomorrow, we need 25 more Lib Dem and Conservative MPs to switch sides. If your MP is a Tory or a Lib Dem, you can email them now by clicking here.

Alternatively, call your MP’s office or join in on Twitter. The hashtag is #vote4cleanpower – and the debate is hotting up.

One last time, here’s the link to email your MP: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/urgent-clean-energy

Together, we can make sure that when MPs walk into the House of Commons tomorrow, they’re feeling the weight of expectation to vote the right way.


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