Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Jul 10th, 2013

Member Poll: July 6th

By [email protected]

As 38 Degrees members we all have a say in which issues we campaign on and where we should make change happen. So knowing what all of us want to prioritise is crucial.

Every Monday morning the office team meets and uses the results of a weekly poll to decide on the campaigns to prioritise during the week ahead. The poll is sent to a group of randomly selected 38 Degrees members – remember, if you haven’t received a poll recently please don’t worry, the process is random and you’re bound to be asked soon!

This week, the crackdown on tax dodging companies takes the top spot, with supporting NHS whistleblowers and pushing the government to tackle climate change coming in second and third respectively. The full set of results for this week can be seen below:


38 Degrees Member Poll July 6th


Do you have a campaign suggestion? Email us on emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk or join the discussion on Facebook, on the 38 Degrees Twitter feed, and our campaigns forum Uservoice.


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