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Jul 11th, 2013

Stephen Lawrence: Petition Hand In

By [email protected]

38 Degrees member and Chief Executive of the Network for Black Professionals, Robin Landman OBE, recently set up a petition on ‘Campaigns By You’ demanding justice for the Lawrence family. The campaign called for an independent, judge-led inquiry following the allegations that undercover police tried to smear them – in yet another attempt to derail their struggle for justice.

Over 94,000 of us signed the petition demanding Theresa May hold a proper inquiry into these allegations.

Last week Robin, along with members of the office team went down to the Home Office. We met with a member of staff from the Home Secretary’s office and handed over the petition.

We are still awaiting a response from Theresa May, but yesterday Doreen Lawrence gave evidence to MPs and again demanded a public inquiry into the allegations that the police had tried to smear her family.

With support for the petition still rising, we hope that it has added to the pressure being felt by the Home Secretary and will help get the Lawrences the answers they deserve.

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