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Jul 30th, 2013

Sports Direct: Zero Hours

By Robin Priestley

They call themselves a model employer, but today it’s been revealed that 90% of Sports Direct staff are on zero hours contracts This means employees are stripped of rights like holiday pay and sick pay. And they have no guarantee of work week to week.

The bosses at Sports Direct have been all over the media this month boasting about how great they are to work for.  They’re painfully aware of how their public image impacts on sales. And their PR department will already be worried about how the news reports will impact on their bottom line.

Together we can turn up the heat. If enough of us email the company now and demand they treat their employees properly 38 Degrees members can force them to do the right thing. Thousands of emails – means brand damage they can’t afford to ignore.

Can you write to the bosses of Sports Direct and demand they treat their staff properly?

The campaign against zero hours contracts is gaining momentum with MPs and unions opposing the practice. Right now the government is reviewing how zero hours contracts are being used by businesses. But as each week goes by tens of thousands of people are still left working under these conditions.

Lots of 38 Degrees members want to see an end to zero hours full stop. But Sports Direct are the UKs biggest sports retailer and they’re in the news right now. So let’s start here.

When 38 Degrees members took on companies like Adidas, Coca-Cola and McDonalds over tax dodging around the Olympics they were quick to respond. Within days we’d forced companies to do the right thing and turn down the tax dodge opportunity. Together let’s force Sports Direct to do the right thing and treat their staff properly.

Can you write to the bosses of Sports Direct and demand answers now:

PS: One of the 38 Degrees staff team called Sports Direct at lunchtime to see what they had to say about the news stories. The response from their legal team was “no comment”, but no comment really isn’t good enough.

Can you write to the bosses of Sports Direct and demand answers now:

PPS: If you are a currently employed on a zero hours contract please get in contact here: emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk


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