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Aug 1st, 2013

Member poll: July 27th

By [email protected]

Each week a poll is sent out to a random selection of 38 Degrees members to uncover the issues we all feel most strongly about. The results are discussed by the office team in a meeting every Monday morning and inform the campaigns for the week ahead. The results are in – so let’s take a look!

Continuing our campaign to save the NHS took the top spot again this week. Cracking down on tax dodging by big companies took second place, and campaigning to protect the rights of whistleblowers in the NHS ranked third.

The poll also asked about pension funds. A massive 84% responded saying that 38 Degrees should campaign for more ethical investment by major funds. There are many exciting movements calling for more ethical investment. One example is the American organisation 350.org who is targeting universities, local and state governments, and religious institutions to stop investing in fossil fuels. They are having some huge successes – check out their website for more information: http://gofossilfree.org/

There are loads of places to get involved in the conversation around what we should campaign on together next. Visit our Facebook page, Twitter feed or online campaign forum Uservoice.

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