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Aug 6th, 2013

Citizen Journalism – take part in the fight!

By guddi.s


My name is Guddi and I am a Paediatric doctor working with 38 Degrees to help protect our NHS.

The Health and Social Care Act came into force on April 1st 2013 – despite the lack of any democratic mandate, massive public opposition and dissent from virtually every medical professional body. A joke on us all, we were betrayed. Our government saw fit to put our health up for sale, and far from speaking up for it, the media has been either inaudible or misrepresentative about the NHS.

Reclaiming Our NHS – Dispatches from the Frontline” is an initiative between openDemocracy’s ourNHS and 38 Degrees to provide a public platform and whistleblowing service for ordinary people to speak up about the healthcare reforms as they see them. We hope this space will make it clear that the public will not stand meekly by while the NHS is being dismantled – we will not be silent. Moreover, as a collation of experiences from around the country, it can be used to hold our politicians accountable for their actions. We also hope that it can act as a resource for campaigners to make contact and organize together.

Because that is what “Reclaiming Our NHS” is all about. It’s your stories, your experiences and it’s your words. It doesn’t have to give you a voice, because you already have one. It’s just going to help it get heard. This is news of the people, by the people, for the people – citizen journalism in its truest sense.

Whether you are a seasoned activist, patient, healthcare employee or simply someone who cares, we want to hear from you.

To see what other 38 Degrees members have been up to, go to ourNHS.

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