Urgent: Appeal Campaign Title here about 10 words here

Aug 13th, 2013

An update on Kentish Town City Farm

By Rebecca Falcon

This is an update about Kentish Town City Farm. Recently, we sent you an email from a 38 Degrees member asking you to help save the farm. The outpouring of love that the farm has received since then has been amazing. People clearly care a lot and the council has been inundated with messages of support for the farm.

But the email you received wasn’t quite right, as the farm wasn’t at threat of immediate closure. It has lost a portion of it’s funding, but despite this, the council are still funding the farm to stay open – on the understanding that they’ll work to find increased funding from other sources too.

We made a mistake, and we’re sorry. At 38 Degrees we only want to bring you great campaigns, we don’t want to waste your time. And now with Campaigns by You, the site where anyone can start a petition on issues that matter to them, we can share great campaigns about your local area.

Despite this, some really positive things have come out of the campaign. Mick, the director of the farm told us he was amazed by the sheer number of people who contacted him with their support. To clarify, he has this to say on behalf of the farm:

“The groundswell of support in a recent online campaign to “save the Farm” demonstrated the depth of affection the people of Camden and the wider London community feel for this unique place. While the campaign initiated by a concerned user was well intentioned, it has led to some confusion. As such the Farm would like to clarify the situation. Yes there have been cuts. As with many other voluntary and charitable organisations in Camden and beyond, the Farm is under pressure to look for new sources of funding and to save money where it can in the present financial climate. In order to cope with the pressure, the Farm’s board of trustees has been in close and constructive dialogue with Camden Council to ensure that the doors stay open. This is and will remain the case for the future.”

“As part of those discussions the Farm has received assurances from Camden Council’s finance chief, Theo Blackwell, that support will remain over the difficult years ahead.”

“Whilst the online campaign to “save the farm” was well intentioned, the Farm feels that its future interest is best served by positive action to generate income in new ways, which could include individual giving, increased charitable trust donations and business sponsorship.”

“The Farm’s trustees, staff and volunteers are committed to ensuring the Farm’s future. They recognise that with the Farm – as with life – certain things may adapt and change. What will remain unchanged, however, is the Farm’s commitment to its original charitable purpose and ethos of inclusion, social justice and perhaps most importantly, fun.”

Sometimes we make mistakes, but 38 Degrees members across the country are doing some incredible things right now. Together we’ve been saving science museums across the North of England, making sure climate change isn’t scrapped from the curriculum and keeping free bus travel for school pupils in Staffordshire. That’s people power in action.

If you do have any questions about the campaign or 38 Degrees in general please do email us at: emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk. For more information on the work of the farm please visit the website.


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