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Aug 17th, 2013

Member Poll: August 17th

By Tanya Prytula

It’s the start of a brand new week and that means only one thing: the results from the latest member poll are in!

Each week a poll is sent out to a random selection of 38 Degrees members to uncover the issues we all feel most strongly about. Every Monday morning, the office team gather around to discuss the results of this poll and use this to decide on the campaigns to prioritise during the week ahead. So let’s take a look at the results!

38 Degrees is driven by the opinion of members, giving everyone a chance to have a say in which issues we should act together. There are loads of places where we can all have our say on existing and potential campaigns- Facebook, Twitter, and campaigning forum Uservoice.

This week continuing to protect the NHS by stopping the government’s dangerous plans like privatisation and closing A&E departments came in first place. Cracking down on tax dodging by big companies took second place, whilst campaigning for the UK government to stop the sale of weapons and military equipment to oppressive regimes came in third place.

The full set of results for this week can be seen below:


Do you have a campaign suggestion? Contact us at emailtheteam@38degrees.org.uk, or get involved on our Facebook page, Twitter feed or campaign forum Uservoice.

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