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Aug 23rd, 2013

Boris Johnson’s secret plans

By Rebecca Falcon

It’s been revealed, in secret leaked documents, that Boris Johnson plans to shut every single ticket office on the London Underground.

Having staffed ticket offices across the underground is important to many of us. When you get overcharged, when you’re travelling late at night and you want to feel safe, when your Oystercard isn’t working, when you don’t know what route to take, or when the machine just won’t do what you want it to: ticket offices are vital.

It wasn’t long ago that Boris Johnson publicly pledged to keep ticket offices open in every station. Now it looks like he’s going back on his promise. But together we can make sure he halts these plans before they become a reality.

Perhaps Boris thinks that Londoners haven’t noticed his secret plans. Together we can make this big news. If thousands of us sign the petition we can show him we’re watching and we don’t want our ticket offices closed. We need to move fast before these plans go any further. Please sign the petition here now.

Boris Johnson hasn’t said anything publicly yet. Let’s show him that we won’t let these secret plans just slip through. If thousands of us sign the petition we’ll force him to realise that he must rule these plans out now.

Together, 38 Degrees members have persuaded Boris to keep his promises before. In 2010 we forced him to keep to his word and open three more rape crisis centres in London after thousands of us signed a petition. Let’s do the same together this time and protect our ticket offices from closure.

Together we can crush these plans before they become a reality. Please sign the petition now to tell Boris that we want him to keep our ticket offices open: Click here.

PS: Here’s what Boris Johnson said in his manifesto. He said that he would make transport more convenient:

“By halting the proposed Tube ticket office closures, and ensuring there is always a manned ticket office at every station.”

“I will also defend local ticket offices. Ken Livingstone plans to close a large number of ticket offices at Tube stations, predominantly in outer London because he claims that the increase in Oyster use has made them surplus to requirements. However, what he has not taken into account is that local people feel it is important there is a manned ticket office at their station, as often there are not enough Oyster outlets in the local area. There has been little consultation with local residents, and I think it is wrong that some local stations could lose this service. I will stop the planned ticket office closures, and focus on increasing the number of Oyster outlets in outer London so local people have greater access to Oyster.”

Please sign the petition to make sure Boris keeps his promise:


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