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Oct 14th, 2013

Gagging law: Come to a meeting with Chloe Smith

By Megan Bentall

Last week was a busy week for Norwich North. You might have seen the news that your MP, Chloe Smith, has resigned her post as a government minister. She was responsible for pushing through the gagging law – and she’s been coming under a lot of pressure for it. If she could be persuaded to withdraw her support of the law, it could go along way into stopping it from passing.

The reason she gave for resigning was that she wanted to spend more time with her constituents. With that in mind she’s finally agreed to attend a public meeting in Norwich North to discuss the gagging law. It’s at 5:30pm on Friday 25th October. It’s not an ideal time, but the only other time she could make was 7am!

So let’s show her that her constituents don’t like this law and make sure the meeting is packed full of her voters. Can you come?

Here are the details:

When: Friday 25th October

What time: 5:30pm

Where: Christ Church Centre New Catton, Magdalen Road, Norwich NR3 4LA

After a narrow vote last week the gagging law is currently going through the House of Lords. If the person who previously championed this bill publicly admitted it’s faults it would go along way in convincing the Lords to step in and fix this mess. Imagine what a blow that would be to the government!

Can you come along on the 25th? For this meeting to work it needs to be packed. Everyone is welcome to come along, so please bring all your friends and family. Even if you don’t want to ask a question, it will be interesting to hear what Chloe Smith and the speakers have to say on the gagging law.

You can RSVP by commenting below.

Hope to see you there.

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